Our Double Good Popcorn Delivery has arrived. We will be distributing the orders on Monday, March 2. Families with small orders will have their orders sent home with their child. Those with larger orders, please watch out for an email to arrange the order pick up with us.
In addition, we would like to recognize our amazing families who raised about $3700 for our school! THANK YOU to our Top Ten Sellers. We are incredibly thankful for your hard work and continued support.
- Sadie S. – $798
- Chadenat Family – $785
- Myles C. – $608
- Amelia C. and Dominik C. – $586
- Devyn M. – $516
- Romero Family – $414
- A kindergarten family – $325
- Karnavat Family – $323
- Armand Family – $236
- Bretsch Family – $200
In the meantime, our Miss Chocolate Sale is going on until March 9. Feel free to share the catalogue with family, friends and co-workers. The orders will be delivered before Passover and Easter. Please reach out to us if you need an additional order form.
Parent-Teacher-Conferences are happening this week on Thursday, March 5. Please be aware of early dismissal at 11:20am for Pre-K and 11:30am for K-4th grade. Sign-up Genius links have been sent out by your child’s classroom teacher as well as by Ms. Cohen, Ms. Bonthuys and Ms. Vasilakis. If you did not receive a sign-up link, please get in touch with your classroom teacher asap. Since Ms. Bonthuys and Ms. Vasilakis are teaching K-4th grades, their availability to speak to every parent is limited. Please know that you can always make an appointment on Tuesdays during office hours. Please come a bit early to the conferences to fill out the DOE Parent Surveys. They are also available online. (Psst! There is usually a reward for the class with the most participation.)
Please make some time and room in your tummy to stop by at the PTA bake sale in the Cafeteria during PT Conferences. If you are donating items for the sale, please drop off the goods after early dismissal. Elaine will be collecting items at the security desk. Also, we urgently need volunteers to table the baking stand, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B4BA4AA23AA8-bake1
If you are planning to fill your tummy with the goods…the bake sale will be in the cafeteria from 12:30pm – 2:30pm and from 4:30pm – 7:30pm. Cash Only! You are welcome to sit and chat with other parents while enjoying your goodies.
The monthly CEC meeting is happening on the same evening as the parent-teacher conferences. The March 5 meeting will take place at JHS Russell Sage at 6:30pm. Come meet the new D28 superintendent Dr. Tammy Pate. There will also be an important presentation about the FY 2021 School Budget Allocation Formula. http://cecd28.org/agenda.html
During the February PTA meeting we formed two committees: the nomination committee and the bylaws committee. Please send your PTA nominations as well as suggestions for amendments to our PTA bylaws to 303pta@gmail.com. We will forward it to the respective committee members.
We also agreed to form a middle school committee. We encourage parents to volunteer on this committee so we can streamline and disseminate all information about middle schools. A flyer will be sent home in your child’s backpack soon.
Our children’s music performances and drama production are coming up soon! Please consider helping out the media team with your time and dedication. If you like taking pictures, recording videos or video editing, we need your help to photograph and record our children’s shows so we can all enjoy them for years to come!
Pre-K applications opened Wednesday, February 5and will end Monday, March 16. If you have an older child at AEA, make sure to add his/her student ID number to your application so that your application gets sibling priority. https://www.myschools.nyc/en/
Wishing all our families a great week!
The PTA of AEA
This week’s events:
Wednesday, March 4: SLT Meeting at 7:30am. If you would like to attend and ask a question as a non-SLT member, please inform Mrs. Gallo a minimum of two days ahead of time.
Thursday, March 5:
· Early Dismissal for all students at 11:30 am (Pre-K: 11:20am). Parent/Teacher Conference Day and PTA Bake Sale. The sign up for donating baked goods and table volunteering is up. Please sign up if you can. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B4BA4AA23AA8-bake1
· CEC meeting at 6:30pm at JHS 190 Russell Sage: introduction of the new D28 superintendent Dr. Tammy Pate; presentation about the FY 2021 School Budget Allocation Formula. http://cecd28.org/agenda.html
Looking ahead:
Monday, March 9: Deadline for Miss Chocolate.
Thursday, March 12: PTA meeting with appearances by Ms. Bonthuys and Ms. Vasilakis!!!
Monday, March 16: Pre-K application ends.
Wednesday, March 18: D28 Parent Workshop at PS 303 (organized by Ms. Jainnie)
Tuesday, March 24: CASA Global Drums Performance
Wednesday, March 25: NYS ELA Test
Thursday, March 26: NYS ELA Test