Happy November everyone!

Thank you for supporting our bake sale during the Harvest Parade!  We made almost $800!  ($773.75 to be exact – despite the rain!)

November has so many exciting events and fundraisers: 

  • Usborne online book fair

Our Usborne book fair is online NOW until Sunday, November 17.  You can browse and buy books online (with free shipping to the school for our parents!), or you can wait for the actual book fair during parent-teacher-conferences on November 14.  Ms. Roxanne, our Usborne representative, will be selling Usborne books in the lobby of the new building.

  • Annual Appeal 

So far, we are up to 58% of our families contributing to our Annual Appeal.  Keep those donations coming!  Kudos to K-303 for the highest participation rate of 76%!!!  2nd highest is PK-202 with 72%!!!  Let’s encourage 2-254 to improve its 33% rate – we know you can do it!!!

  • Pie Sale

There is still time to participate in our pie sale.  Please send in your order ASAP (or at the very latest by Friday, November 15).  Flyers are attached below.

  • Toy Drive

The PTA is supporting Yuval, one of our 4th graders, and his mom Avital in organizing a toy drive for Kids Need More (KNM). Kids Need More is a non-profit organization that helps kids with cancer and their families at their most difficult times.  Each year, KNM organizes cheer buses that drive to families’ homes in Queens and Long Island to bring them Holiday Cheers and many gifts.  Last year they had 13 buses visiting 230 families.  This year we hope to make a difference with our toy collection.  Please stay tuned for more information.  https://kidsneedmore.org/

  • Holiday Card sale

Since our picture day photo proofs will be here soon, we found an offer for families who are thinking of getting photo holiday cards.  While this is not an official fundraiser, we would like to let you know that Minted offered our school this special deal: you can save 20% off their holiday cards and gifts while the PTA receives 15% back.  It is valid from November 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.  Use code FUNDRAISEPS303 to support AEA P.S. 303.  Please check out their cards: https://www.minted.com/

  • Upcoming events in our school community

Monday, 11/4: Thanksgiving food drive begins
Tuesday, 11/5: Election Day – No School
Wednesday, 11/6: School Leadership Team (SLT) meets at 7:30am
Thursday, 11/7: Financial Workshop at 8:45am in the AEA Café
Friday, 11/8: Pajama Drive begins

Don’t forget to sign up for PTA notices on REMIND and join the PTA of AEA Facebook group to stay updated!

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