The links for our PTA bylaws & the Chancellors’ Regulations A-660 are included for review.
- All PTA positions are voluntary positions with a one year term of office, July 1st – June 30th (Chancellors’ Regulations See page 11).
- Each officer position is two consecutive one year terms. A candidate who has served the maximum number of terms may only be elected to serve an additional term if no other interested candidate is nominated and willing to serve (by laws page 3).
- Every parent is eligible to run unless the parent is a DOE employee or has a conflict of interest (Chancellors’ Regulations page 13 (6) & page 10 (c))
- Candidates do not need to be present at the time of the elections (Chancellors’ Regulations page 13 (6))
- Co-officers must run together as a slate in order to run together (Chancellors’ Regulations page 11).
- PA/PTAs must hold at least 9 monthly general membership meetings per school year.
- Executive board meetings should be held on a monthly basis during the school year.
- The election of parent members to the School Leadership Team (SLT) may take place during the same meeting as officer elections.
- Once the election of PTA officers has concluded, the election of parent members to the SLT may begin.
- The election of parent members to the SLT should follow the same or similar election procedure as PTA officer elections.
- PTA Mandatory Officer Responsibility:
- President (or Co-Presidents):
- President (or Co-Presidents): The duties of the president shall include but are not limited to the following:
- preside at all meetings of the Association.
- is an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee;
- appoint Association committee chairpersons with the approval of the executiveboard;
- encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities;
- provide opportunities for members’ leadership development;
- delegate responsibilities to members of the Association as needed;
- attend all regular meetings of the presidents’ council;
- is a mandatory member of the School Leadership Team
- meet regularly with the executive board members;
- plan the agendas for the general membership meetings;
- is one of the eligible signatories on checks and debit card disbursement forms
- may be responsible for DOE issued email account,
- assist with the June transfer of Association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.Co-presidents must determine who will serve on the SLT and who will attend President Council meetings
- Recording Secretary (or Co-Secretaries):
- The duties of the recording secretary shall include but are not limited to the following:
- record the minutes at all Association meetings;
- prepare notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials for distribution;
- prepare and read the minutes at Association meetings;
- distribute copies of the minutes for review and approval by the general membership;
- maintain the custody of the Association’s records on school premises;
- prepare updates for the website and any social media accounts for the Association
- is responsible for maintaining the DOE issued email account;
- may be one of the eligible signatories on a checks and disbursement forms;
- incorporate all amendments into the bylaws, and;
- ensure that signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file inthe principal’s office,
- may be responsible for reviewing, maintaining and responding to all correspondence addressed to the Association
- assist with the June transfer of Association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.
- The duties of the recording secretary shall include but are not limited to the following:
- Treasurer (or Co-Treasurers):
- The duties of the treasurer shall include but are not limited to the following:
- responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the Association, including any bank or electronic accounts, such as PayPal;
- maintain an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises;
- may be a signatory on checks, and debit card disbursement forms;
- may be responsible for setting up online access to the bank account;
- adhere to and implement all financial procedures established by the Association;
- prepare and present a written report of all transactions at every executive board and general membership meeting (which includes income, refunds, reimbursements and other expenditures, and opening and closing balances for the reporting period)
- prepare the Association’s interim and annual financial reports;
- make available all books and financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit;
- may have access to the DOE issued email account,
- assist with the June transfer of Association records, including all pertinent user IDs and passwords, to the incoming executive board.
- Non-mandatory PTA Positions:
- You may also seek a nomination for non-mandatory officer positions, including Vice President and Corresponding Secretary.
- President (or Co-Presidents):
- SLT:
- We will also be holding elections to fill three vacant seats on our School Leadership Team (SLT)
- The SLT is our school-based group that works together to determine the school’s educational direction. SLTs are a vehicle for developing school-based educational policies and ensuring that resources are aligned to implement those policies. Functioning in a collaborative manner, SLTs assist in the evaluation and assessment of a school’s educational programs and their effect on student achievement.
- SLT meetings are conducted monthly at 7:30 a.m. at AEA. SLT representatives (consisting of parents, teachers and school admin) attend all meetings and the SLT parents communicate the proceedings to the PTA.
Nominations for PTA positions for 2023-2024 school year is opened. Kindly consider running. If interested (or if you would like to nominate a candidate), send nominations to nominationsptaofaea@gmail.com and include the position of interest. Floor nominations will also be accepted on May 11th before the elections.
Elections will be conducted during the May 11, 2023, PTA meeting at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Each candidate will be given the opportunity to speak before the election if they choose.