PTA Meeting This Thursday

The first general membership meeting of the PTA of AEA is this Thursday, Sept. 23, at 7 p.m. We’ll gather on Zoom at this link (ID: 814 2262 7676, passcode: 303303). We’ve also created a page on our website where you can always find the meeting info:

All parents and guardians of students at P.S. 303Q are automatically members of our association, as well as the school’s teachers and professionals. Please check that your Zoom name reflects your real name, so we can get to know one another. A full agenda will be shared at the meeting, but you can expect introductions to the executive board, a report from the first SLT meeting of the year, and a discussion of how you can get involved.

You can review the minutes of the last meeting here or always at Please take the opportunity to do so before the meeting so we can approve them expeditiously. You can also send any corrections in advance to

We look forward to seeing you Thursday! And if you’re seeing this on our website and want to join our mailing list, click here.

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