The New Year started with a ruckus at the CEC meeting on January 2nd. Simone gives a big THANK YOU to the 303 parents who ventured out to JHS 217 to attend the CEC meeting with her. It was packed due to the controversial topic of D28’s diversity process, and we anticipate the same at future meetings. You can find news coverage at the end of this email. Stay tuned for the upcoming public workshop that will take place at the end of January. The date and venue will be released soon and we will keep you posted the moment we find out.,
We have a very important PTA meeting on Thursday, January 9th. Not only will there be a raffle of open play passes to Little Bear Play Cafe, but we are also going to start the process of amending our PTA bylaws, so please come prepared with suggestions. We will collect the ideas during this meeting and vote on them at the next PTA meeting on Thursday, February 13. Note that if you have any suggestions, please attend both meetings so that your suggestion can be voted on. Are you wondering what could be amended? As an example, the Board would like to change the PTA Executive Board’s meeting day and time, to define specific reasons for emergency spending (currently it is very vague), to add the vice president position and more. We heard from a few parents that they would like to also change the general PTA meeting day and time. You can review the current AEA PTA by-laws here:
In addition, please take the time to review the December minutes. It saves valuable time during the PTA meeting.
Please sign up for babysitting if needed:
Stomping Ground Photos: The order deadline for free shipping to school has passed. The estimated delivery date is Friday, January 17th. Your order will be sent home with your child.
Kindergarten application:
If you have a Pre-K child who would like to continue to attend AEA, you MUST file an application by the deadline of January 21, 2020. Please note that current Pre-K status does not guarantee kindergarten admission. When you apply for your kindergarten seat online, make sure to add any siblings to your dashboard to obtain sibling priority admission. You can apply here:
This week’s events:
Tuesday, 1/7: African Drums CASA begins at 2:30-4pm
Wednesday, 1/8: SLT Meeting at 7:30am in Room 174. Parents are welcome to join!
Breakfast Club at 7:30am
Latin Club from 2:30-3:30pm
Artist in Focus from 2:30-4:15pm
Dance Troupe from 2:30-4:30pm
Thursday, 1/9: Breakfast Club at 7:30am
PTA Meeting from 7-8pm
Friday, 1/10: Breakfast Club at 7:30am
Looking ahead:
Tuesday, 1/14: D28 Parent Workshop at 8:30am at PS139
Thursday, 1/16: PreK Open House for interested families
Tuesday, 1/21: Kindergarten Application Deadline
Wednesday, 1/22: AEA Chipotle Fundraiser. The flyer is attached below.
News coverage of CEC meeting:
This is a raw recording from one of our own parents, Jing Wang. It gives a good impression of the meeting.
If you are on twitter:
We encourage all parents to stay informed about the diversity process. Feel free to reach out to the PTA or to Jainnie Hackman.,
See you on Thursday!!!
Board of PTA of AEA