Welcome to December!

We hope you had a beautiful long Thanksgiving weekend!  Thank you to all the parents who participated in our Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser.  It went very well, and we raised $518 for the PTA!  There were only a few pies that were not picked up, so we donated them to the classroom teachers, staff, Mrs. Leto and Mrs. Gallo.  They were very grateful for the unexpected gift!

Please stay informed about this week’s events, which are posted below:

This week’s events:

Stomping Ground Sibling Photos and Retakes (12/3)

IMPORTANT announcement for sibling photos for Pre-K, K and 1st grade students:  Please note that those children from the Early Childhood Center (Pre-K, K and 1st grade) who registered for sibling photos and WHO HAVE SIBLINGS IN SECOND GRADE should be dropped off at the MAIN BUILDINGat 8:10 a.m.  Those sibling pictures will be taken first in order to accommodate the second grade field trip.  All other Pre-K, K and 1st grade students (with siblings in other grades or having retakes done or not taking photos at all) should be dropped off as usual on 69th Avenue.

Today is the deadline for ordering photos for 12/17 delivery.

Town Hall Safety Meeting (12/3 at 2:30 pm in Room 174)
This is an important meeting where you can learn about the school’s safety plan and procedures.  Please RSVP your attendance on the Google calendarhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSoY0YiPHOIMTjX8ZlS0PpWZ2m1LupILzz9G4QuOnzUMiedg/viewform

Winter Holiday Presents for teachers and staff
Class parents will be starting to collect contributions for holiday presents for the teachers and staff.  Be on the lookout for a letter from your class parent with more information.

School Leadership Team (SLT) Meeting (12/4 at 7:30am)
The SLT Meeting is open to all interested parents.  Please note that you must inform Mrs. Gallo (sgallo@schools.nyc.gov) if you wish to speak or ask questions.

CEC Meeting (12/5 at 6:30pm, 90-27 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica)
This is an important meeting to attend if you would like to get first-hand information or ask questions regarding the D28 diversity process.  WXY will be presenting about the D28 diversity process.

Pajama Drive (until 12/4)
Our annual Pajama Drive is still running until Wednesday, December 4.  Please donate new pajama sets (all sizes).  You can send your pajama sets in with your child or have it delivered directly to the school by making a purchase using this Target registry:


Don’t forget to let you child decorate their “pajama” cutouts so we can place them on our bulletin board.

Toy Drive (until 12/8)
Thank you all for your generous toy donations for Yuval’s Toy Drive.  For those of you who have not made any contributions yet, you still have time.  This is the last week!  Please leave your unwrapped and unopened toy donation in the box next to the security sign-in desk.

Upcoming events:

Wednesday, 12/11: Lil’ Shopper’s Shoppe

Please be on the lookout in your child’s backpack for more information about this year’s Holiday Shoppe.

Thursday, 12/12: PTA meeting at 7pm in the Cafe

Babysitting RSVP – must RSVP by Monday, December 9th

Ongoing Fundraisers:

Boon Supply Online Sale – formerly Mixed Bag (until 12/12)
Are you in need of wrapping paper for the Holidays? Or curious what else Boon Supply has to offer? Please go to boonsupply.com/367843 and shop the beautiful collection.  40% of each purchase goes directly to the PTA.  Feel free to share the link with your family, friends and co-workers! Text boonsupply.com/367843 to your social circle to support our cause.  Don’t forget to post the link on Facebook and Twitter!

Holiday Card Online Sale (until 12/31)
If you are interested in making holiday cards using your new photos from picture day, you can save 20% off holiday cards and gifts at Minted.com using code FUNDRAISEPS303.  The PTA receives 15% of the proceeds.  The discount code is valid from November 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.  Please check out their cards here: https://www.minted.com/

District 28 Diversity Process
District 28 was awarded a grant to create a Diversity Plan, which is a community engagement and planning process to increase middle school diversity and academic outcomes for all students. To learn more, please visit www.d28diversityplan.com.  Please send questions, comments and concerns directly to info@D28diversityplan.com.  You can also reach out to the PTA or our parent coordinator, Jainnie Hackman, if you have questions.

WXY Studios, http://www.wxystudio.com/, the consultants facilitating the D28 Diversity working group and upcoming public workshops, will present their process and goals at the CEC meeting on Thursday, December 5th at 6:30PM, 90-27 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435. We encourage all parents to attend and stay informed.

One of our SLT parents, Michele Molfetta, represented the PTA at the monthly Presidents’ Council meeting and brought back valuable information regarding the D28 diversity process.  Please have a look at these documents (https://gallery.mailchimp.com/86f0286adad53f1f51dfd0c36/files/f9f69fe4-32ad-441c-9f88-68baa9ec139d/d28_diversity_plan_process_draft.pdf).

See you at the PTA meeting next week!!!

The PTA of AEA

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